Success Stories
Their Take: Take Advantage of Passive Investing and a Frugal Lifestyle. Steven and Lauren Keys knew from a young age that an early retirement was something that they were interested in. Thanks to frugal living and major saving, they accomplished their goal before they hit 30. Read Their Take
Their Take: You Don’t Need To Be Wealthy To Save for Early Retirement Jim White always dreamt of being rich because he thought that was the key to retiring early. But that changed when a tough debt situation taught him the power of living frugally. By 43, he was successfully out of the workforce. Read Their Take
Their Take: Budget To Achieve Your Dreams When Mina Coleman’s husband first came to her with the idea of moving the family to a sailboat full-time and spending years traveling the world, she wasn’t convinced. But a sound financial plan and strict budget made their dream a reality. Read Their Take
Their Take: Create an Online Business Kelan Kline’s career had not been everything he had hoped for. But he soon found his passion in something that initially started as a side hustle: building an online business. Before he knew it, The Savvy Couple was generating six figures within just three years. Read Their Take
Their Take: Build a Plan and Stick to It By the time Greg Wilson was a teenager, he knew that his goal was to retire early. However, early retirement is often a goal that is easier said than done. But as of age 42, thanks to a strong plan and smart decision-making, Wilson is happily and successfully out of the workforce. Read Their Take
Their Take: Invest in Real Estate More than 15 years ago, Don Chambers hoped to one day amass 20 properties. Today, he has nearly 70. Despite the risks and work required, Chambers remains motivated by the money and his goal to achieve financial freedom. Read Their Take