News – Page 13
From the ExpertsConsumers can fall victim to numerous financial scams. Unfortunately, there are always bad actors who are looking to take advantage of…
From the Experts
Key Metrics for Income-Oriented Investors
Unless you’ve been living off-the-grid, it should come as no surprise that interest rates are on the… -
Annuity.org Blog
National Association for Fixed Annuities Presents Webinar Exploring Fixed Index Annuities
On November 9, 2022, the National Association for Fixed Annuities (NAFA) presented a webinar for members entitled, “Retiring with Confidence: A Case… -
From the Experts
From the Experts: Tax Loss Harvesting
As the 2022 calendar year draws to a close, it’s a good time to review your investments,… -
From the Experts
6 Tips To Build a Conservative Investment Portfolio
Over the past decade or so, investors have experienced historically low levels of volatility. This is largely due to the unprecedented fiscal intervention employed… -
Annuity.org Blog
New 2023 IRS Brackets Can Save Tax Filers Money
To help prevent taxpayers from being taxed in higher income brackets, over 60 tax provisions received annual inflation adjustments for 2023. The adjustments were…