Anthony Termini
Anthony Termini has spent decades in the investment advisory profession and currently provides marketing and communications consulting services to broker/dealers, registered investment advisors and FinTech companies. He helps investment advisory firms develop and implement comprehensive marketing strategies to grow and retain assets under management and build fee revenue. He also helps them with the creation of their primary messaging across print, digital and audio/visual delivery platforms.
Prior to this Anthony was a Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Beta Capital, a hedge fund operating as the holding company of a private family office in Reno, Nevada. Beta was the primary investor in a number of import/export, manufacturing, service and real estate development businesses. In this role he also managed both the fixed income and equity portfolios of the family office.
Before joining Beta, he led Sales and Marketing for the San Francisco office and predecessor entity (Kochis Fitz) of Aspiriant Wealth Management, a $12 billion investment advisory firm. While at Kochis Fitz, he contributed to the book Wealth Management: A Concise Guide to Financial Planning and Investment Management for Wealthy Clients. More recently he contributed to the book Bozos, Monsters and Whiz-Bangs, and contributed investment research to the book Diversify or Die: Diversity. Inclusion. Evolution. Success. He has written more than a million words on the subjects of financial planning and investment management since then.
As a fee-based buy-side investment advisor Anthony worked with a handful of wealthy families and managed more than $100 million of their assets. On the sell side he helped construct and trade complex derivative swap and collar positions for institutions and accredited individual investors.
Anthony has held Series 3, Series 7, Series 8, Series 63 and Series 65 licenses. A subject matter expert in multiple asset classes, Anthony has a comprehensive understanding of portfolio construction, asset allocation, diversification, portfolio management, retirement planning, investment taxes, size-and-style allocation, efficient frontier and total-return strategy — among other topics.