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Today’s Best Reliance Standard Annuity Rates

Term Product AM Best Rating Rate
5 Years Eleos MVA A++ 5.00 %
5 Years Reliance Guarantee A++ 5.00 %
10 Years Reliance Guarantee A++ 5.00 %
Source: Cannex
4.3 Star Rating

Reliance Standard

Reliance Standard Logo
Our Take

Fixed annuity customers might consider Reliance Standard for its attractive annuitization bonus on the Apollo product line. However, this widely available provider won’t be suitable for those looking to buy immediate or variable annuities.


  • Annuitization bonus on Apollo annuity
  • Wide availability
  • Strong financial stability rating


  • Lack of product variety

Compare Reliance Standard Annuity Rates


Source: Cannex, Mar. 25, 2025
Guarantee Period
Surrender Period
AM Best Rating

Apollo MVA

4.55% 1 Years 7 Years


Apollo SP

4.40% 1 Years 7 Years


Eleos MVA

5.00% 5 Years 5 Years


Eleos SP

4.85% 5 Years 5 Years


Reliance Guarantee

5.00% 10 Years 10 Years


Reliance Guarantee

5.00% 5 Years 5 Years


Reliance Guarantee

5.00% 7 Years 7 Years


Additional Products Offered by Reliance Standard

Reliance Standard offers five annuity products; three are fixed annuities and two are indexed annuities.

Reliance Standard’s Fixed Annuities

Reliance Standard’s fixed annuity products include one traditional fixed annuity called Apollo, and two multi-year guaranteed annuities (MYGAs) called Eleos and Reliance.

  • The Apollo annuity has a seven-year surrender charge schedule and a minimum premium of just $5,000. The annuity’s interest rate is declared annually but is guaranteed not to fall below a minimum. Apollo owners can withdraw 10% of the contract value penalty-free and will receive a 4% bonus to the contract value if they choose to annuitize. This annuity is available with or without a market value adjustment (MVA).
  • The Eleos MYGA has a five-year surrender charge schedule and a $10,000 minimum premium. The interest rate is locked in for five years, after which the rate is declared annually. This annuity also allows for 10% penalty-free withdrawals and can be purchased with or without an MVA.
  • The Reliance MYGA allows customers to choose a rate guarantee period and surrender charge term of five years, seven years or 10 years. This annuity has a $20,000 minimum premium and automatically includes an MVA provision.

Reliance Standard’s Indexed Annuities

The two series of indexed annuities Reliance Standard offers are Keystone and Reliance Accumulator.

  • The Keystone series is available with a five-year, seven-year or 10-year term. These annuities come with a guaranteed minimum interest rate and earn additional interest based on the performance of the S&P 500. Participation rates and rate caps apply.
  • Like Keystone, the Reliance Accumulator series has terms of five years, seven years or 10 years. However, these annuities accumulate growth based on the performance of two indexes: the S&P 500 and the S&P MARC 5% ER.
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About Reliance Standard

Reliance Standard started as Central Standard Life Insurance Company, founded in 1907 in Chicago, Illinois. The company went through multiple acquisitions and eventually became part of the global insurer Tokio Marine Group in 2012.

Today, Reliance Standard has over $20 billion in assets under management, selling insurance and annuities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. In 2022, Reliance Standard sold over $1.6 billion in individual annuity premiums, making up 0.59% of the U.S. annuity market according to data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).


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Credit Ratings

Credit ratings for annuity providers indicate the overall financial strength and stability of the company. Annuity customers should consider the financial stability of any provider they consider, as these ratings can also point to how likely the provider is to meet their end of an annuity contract.

Reliance Standard’s Credit Ratings

Rating CompanyCredit Rating
AM BestA++ 
FitchNot Rated

See which annuity providers our independent editorial team ranked as the Best Annuity Companies of 2024.

What Customers Are Saying About Reliance Standard

Reliance Standard has had few complaints reported to state insurance commissions. According to the NAIC, the provider had two complaints registered in 2022, one complaint in 2021 and one in 2020.

The NAIC tracks consumer complaints that each state’s insurance commission receives each year. These are used to compile a company’s glossary term=”NAIC Complaint Index”]NAIC Complaint Index.[/glossary]

NAIC Complaint Index for Reliance Standard

All Policy Types0.34
Individual Annuities Only0.89

These numbers indicate that Reliance Standard receives fewer complaints than the industry average.

Reliance Standard Pros & Cons

Reliance Standard might be good for some fixed annuity or indexed annuity customers, but this provider may not be right for everyone. Before purchasing an annuity from any provider, be sure to weigh the pros and cons of the company and its products.


  • Annuitization bonus on Apollo annuity: The Apollo fixed annuity comes with a generous 4% bonus if the owner chooses to annuitize their contract.
  • Wide availability: Reliance Standard’s annuities can be purchased in all 50 states plus D.C. and Puerto Rico.
  • Strong financial stability ratings: Reliance Standard received excellent financial strength ratings from two top credit rating agencies, indicating it is capable of meeting its obligations.


  • Lack of product variety: Reliance Standard only offers fixed and indexed deferred annuities. rates component in mobile phone mockup

Buy an Annuity From Reliance Standard Today

Like what you see? Let us help you select the Reliance Standard product that fits your needs.

Provider Rating Methodology created a fact-based methodology to analyze the strength, security and reach of different annuity providers. We assessed companies based on their availability, the amount of direct premiums sold, their AM Best Financial Strength Rating and their NAIC Complaint Index score.

Providers received a rating on a five-star scale for each of these categories, with the complaint index and financial strength ratings weighed as the heaviest variables. Then, using a weighted average, each company was assigned an overall star rating.’s Top-Ranked Providers Star Rating
Mass Mutual5 star rating
New York Life5 star rating
Pacific Life5 star rating
Midland National5 star rating
North American5 star rating
Western & Southern5 star rating

Our Rating Panel expert panel for providers pages

The editorial team spoke with several different annuity experts to learn more about what is important to customers when searching for a provider and what factors make a company reliable. While designed the methodology, these experts provided feedback during the process and consulted on what factors we should leverage to best help prospective buyers compare providers. 

Please seek the advice of a qualified professional before making financial decisions.
Last Modified: February 4, 2025
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